Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mission Impossible:12 niche sites in a year

Everybody has been hearing about internet marketing, niche sites,passive income from online business but they are only a few who actually achieve these goals and really treat their followers and apprentices with real life documented how to systems and offer fair online products that actually deserve their money for they really save you a lot of time spent on educating yourself in order to achieve your goals faster and increase your ROI and here are some exceptions(not in any order):
-Tyrone Shum (YouTube Video Marketer)
-Pat Flynn(Internet Marketer with actual real updated Income Statements)
and I will update the list as I learn from other self made independent entrepreneurs and use their products and find them usefull enough to recommend them .

So  following their footsteps I set up my objective for the new year :

Achieve  financial independence from a list of 12 niche sites that will include my passions, a highly selled product or even a new trending passion of a friend and transform some of them into real businesses that will include operating both in online and offline and so creating real jobs for other people with monthly income and  activity  reports and selling at least one of them to someone who will increase their productivity and financial value and exposure to the world!

For some of the sites I've already started, one is almost ready but I needed an incentive to push the work forward and I, as most of you still have a full time job from 9 to 5 and also I will be fighting to do all the work myself , I will begin with a drafted list of 12 niche sites with ondergoing goals and I will actually leave the list open for I intend for some of them to look for parteners develop them with and even develop a system where I will live room for other suited parteners to team up in order to achieve the mission and so helping others practice their skills  as they learn and possibly  get some money out of their work done... .

Also this is a project where I will try to use my flaws as an advantage as I loose interest quicly in some topics and so I risk chasing leads and never finish any of them ... I will try to develop a system where anyone who helps in any way will be helped accordingly ... but I'm going to have to spend more time on figuring out all the details of the gameplan !

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